School Days

  “We have had many teams visit Eburru but your team that started David’s Hope International was the only one that caught the vision.”

These last three days working at the  school have been so good. It is hard to believe that it only started 6 months ago. Currently, the school has three teachers and three full classrooms but everyday people come wanting to know if we have room for their child. They like our school better than other primary school in the area because they can tell quality education is being offered. Not only that but they are being taught the word of God daily.  The pastor and teachers want the children that are the most destitute  to be the ones that are accepted into the school….the children that would never have a chance of education otherwise because they would not be able to afford it (education is not free in Kenya). One of the best things about the school is its feeding programing. Many of the students that go to the school were extremely malnourished before but because they get a cup of porridge in the morning and a bowl of beans, vegetables, and grains for lunch many of these children are now at a healthy weight. In fact, most Kenyan schools would be on break for the next three weeks but the David’s Hope School has decided to stay open because if the school is closed, the children do not get to eat.  Because of the funds raised through David’s Hope the school now has a garden and three goats (two are already pregnant ) in order to have self-sustainability as these will provide vegetables, fruit, grains, and milk for the feeding program. In fact some of already asked if they could buy the offspring of the goats which will also help bring financial sustainability.

Pastor Steve says that Kari and I will be “pioneers” since we are the first American teachers to visit the school. In addition to helping the teachers and leading chapel hour, the pastor also wants us to develop a “training guide” on how the school runs so that other education teams that come to work in the school will have an idea before hand of what is being taught.

3 Responses

  1. Thanks for yet another eye-opening and heart opening blog about the school and children in Eburru! Praise God who gave the David’s Hope “people” the vision to keep on giving to see that His name is glorified and that
    these Kenyans could be “fed” in so many areas. I’m so glad Katie that you and Kari can be “pioneers” in that educational program too. What a privilege God has granted to you to serve Him in this way!

  2. This is wonderful news, thanks for sharing it Katie. Where the government is unable to provide education to these children, concerned Christ-activists such as you are helping immeasurably, in your won small way, to bridge the gap. This is a very American way of solving a problem, and one that I admire.

    I was initially very excited when I read that Kenya was providing public education for it’s children, up to a certain age. While I am disappointed that they were not able to make this promise a reality, I have great faith in the people of Kenya – with God’s help – to improve their lives thanks to the work of people like you! My girl’s a pioneer! 🙂

  3. Encouraging words! God truly blesses work that’s done for Him. 🙂

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